Australian Asparagus Council
The Australian Asparagus Council (AAC) is the peak industry body representing Asparagus in Australia. It is made up of a group of Australian asparagus growers who produce more than 95% of Australia’s asparagus. The main growing areas are Koo Wee Rup and Dalmore (located 65 km south-east of Melbourne) and the Sunraysia region including Mildura (located 542 km north-west of Melbourne). AAC growers work together to develop the industry and market fresh Australian asparagus.
The AAC aims to:
- Unite and coordinate the Australian asparagus industry particularly in relation to shipping and marketing.
- Provide a forum for discussion of industry matters with government bodies, shipping lines and conferences, airfreight operators and other allied bodies.
- Achieve long term asparagus industry growth through the development of new markets and improvement of existing markets.
- Make representation to any Government or duly constituted authority on behalf of members in respect to any government legislation or proposal, which affects, or may affect, the interest of members.
- Raise funds for the purpose of advertising and promoting the consumption of asparagus both domestic and overseas.
AAC Grower Membership
The AAC invites membership from Australian asparagus growers and packers. Click here to download the AAC Membership Brochure. Click here to download the AAC Membership Form.
AAC Associate Members
The AAC thanks the following Associate Members for their support:
- Bejo Australia
- Brown’s Fertilisers Koo Wee Rup
- Cardinia Shire Council
- Complete Irrigation Solutions
- Connect Group P/L
- E.E.Muir & Sons P/L
- Elders
- Gendore Tractors and Machinery
- John Duff & Co Koo Wee Rup
- Momack Produce
- Rabobank Warragul
- Rural Finance
- T & G Vizzarri Farms Pty Ltd
- Vin Rowe Farm Machinery
The AAC invites associate membership from Australian asparagus growers and packers. Click here to download the AAC Membership Brochure. Click here to download the AAC Membership Form.